Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Anna takes to the road!

Well I have been keeping myself very busy over the past month, helping to spread the word about Sculptra to clinics around the UK! From Richmond to Newcastle, Southampton to Birmingham, I have been travelling across the country to talk to the lovely local residents about my Sculptra journey over the last few months and revealing my fantastic younger and fuller looking face.

I started the tour at Bodyvie Medi-Clinic in Richmond and met an amazing 62 year old man who actually looked like he was in his thirties, the wonders of Sculptra! I was treated to some delicious cupcakes and a few glasses of bubbly at the end of the night, while chatting away to some of the locals.

A week later I was on a flight to Newscastle and visited a lovely clinic called Absolute Image. I met a woman, Sue Wealleans who had Sculptra because she lost lots of weight and felt her face had started to look gaunt, but now she looked fantastic and was pleased she now had the face to match her youthful slimmer body!

My next stop was Birmingham, a very chic and stylish clinic called Tinkable. I know the city quite well as I spent a lot of time filming House Invaders there, so it was nice to be back. The women were all really impressed by the 3D images I had taken, where they could compare how much my facial volume has increased since my first Sculptra treatment.

The following Monday I was down to the coast visiting Xavier G Medi-Clinic in Southampton. The event was held at a local bar at the Docklands and attracted about 70 enthusiastic men and women keen to hear more about my treatment. There was a great atmosphere on the evening and we even had a few of the local papers there taking pictures.

At all events, everyone seemed to be fascinated by my results and I was really happy to be able to reveal my secrets to other women who just wanted to turn back the clock a few years. Many of them were just like me, feeling like they looked a bit tired and worn out, but not wanting a dramatic change. They just want a fuller face and healthier glow, which is what I have now and it has done wonders for my confidence!

I am on the road again next month but staying local and telling the Welsh women about how they can sculpt a younger looking face just like me!